Sketches'n'Scribbles III
ccseabass - 2009-12-15 18:50
jan (guest) - 2009-03-25 16:50
ypsilon oooohhh
Jeppe (guest) - 2009-12-15 21:07
Nice work, Bastian. It´s been a while since I've visited your blog, hope you are doing fine... and a merry X-mas from DK!
ccseabass - 2009-12-16 01:41
hey jeppe!
what's up? where you at? what are you doing?
questions questions... :D
questions questions... :D
Jeppe (guest) - 2009-12-18 14:15
I´m good. I´m fine. In Copenhagen. School is over, and right I´m currently working on a big web project, a social network site for Danish Entrepreneurial Organisation. My partner and I act as concept developer and project leader on the new site. Think i´ll be great!
How 'bout you. Have you graduated yet? I know you are back from Norway right? But what are you up to?
How 'bout you. Have you graduated yet? I know you are back from Norway right? But what are you up to?