Random Things

Thursday, 6. May 2010

Random Things (XXXI)

1) New flatshare, new crazy people.
2) Oooh, pretty.
3) Korean-German sandwich that ended up breaking my bed.
4) Big bugs in front of my window.
5) Murakami at Pop Life Exhibition, Hamburg.
6) I miss winter. Sometimes.

Monday, 28. December 2009

Random Things (XXX)

1) Bell pepper skull face.
2) Our profs have a good sense of humor.
3) Icy claw on my window.
4) Why would someone leave these at the school entrance?
5) Wintertime slacking.
6) Daily view at 'work'.

Sunday, 18. October 2009

Random Things (XXIX)

1) Cherry-Banana blend don't look so good anymore after 30 minutes.
2) When you keep eraser and pencil sharpener in the same pouch...
3) Try naming a company in the States that.
4) A friend recently got a visit from the police. Mistakenly.
5) My flatmates Magic Korean Marlboros.
6) I wonder if the woodworms share that opinion.

kiba eraser fag herr_pfeiffer marlboro woodworms

Tuesday, 15. September 2009

Random Things (XXVIII) – The WTF Web Issue

1) Sooo... how much are they again?
2) What you get when searching for 'wood texture' on Shutterstock.
3) Sympathetic downtime message by Surf The Channel.
4) And another one, this time by Firefox itself.
5) Home. Downloads. Forum. Share Porn. 'Nuff said.

Saturday, 22. August 2009

Random Things (XXVII)

1) Happy fruits.
2) Kari's successful avocado/tomato growing experiment.
3) Norwegian pastime – climbing ligth poles.
4) Heavy summer rain + weird sneakers = red feet gradient.
5) Full moon b-ball game way past midnight in Oslo.
6) He was made out of bronze. Damn you, fake nature!

kiwibanana avocadotomato monkeyboy red_feet full_moon bronze_bear

Saturday, 27. June 2009

Random Things (XXVI)

1) German fixie craze.
2) Once full cup of coffee after 1 1/2 months.
3) Rubber buddies.
4) Horsie in the sky.
5) Temperatures above 25°C – Oslo catches on fire.
6) Lawn anyone?

fixies coffee_rings rubber_buddies horsy fire grass_scraps

Thursday, 30. April 2009

Random Things (XXV)

1) Transformers – definitely worth a statue in the middle of Rotterdam.
2) What do you have to eat to puke that color?
3) Not all Swedes are welcome in Oslo...
4) Massive branding fail.
5) Ghetto duck.
6) Dirk – definitely not worth his own supermarket chain.

transformer violet partysvensker spa ducknest dirk

Wednesday, 18. March 2009

Random Things (XXIV)

1) Most sympathetic local used-car rental.
2) Bye bye snow.
3) True.
4) All these shirts used to be white.
5) So that's where he's been hiding...
6) Hug me!

wreck byebye richbitch white_laundry gott hug_me

Saturday, 21. February 2009

Random Things (XXIII) – The Snow Issue

1) Scraping it off the roofs all over town.
2) It's not the grain.
3) You can't run and you can't hide!
4) Checking out the latest gear to pimp his ride.
5) Fuck shoveling.
6) Awww.

sno1 sno2 sno3 sno4 sno5 sno6

Sunday, 14. December 2008

Random Things (XXII)

1) Oslo. Where the real gangstas hustle.
2) Giant pillar made up of human bodies at Frognerparken.
3) Oh look, it's an earth boob.
4) Mad cookie skills – was supposed to be a rainbow.
5) "The Dude" lives in our flatshare and his name is Anders.
6) Closeby lake romance.

g_unit dildo nipple rainbow the_dude scenic

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