Takk For I Aften!
I've been back in Deutschland for almost 5 day now but before I forget, I wanted to drop some quick lines about my last night in Oslo. After already having spent a nice 'last supper' with part of the Bleed crew Wednesday night at Olaf Ryes Plass and the very cozy MIR – the latter of which I sadly had never been before – it was time to say goodbye to my swedish homeboys and -girls. I had originally planned to just have a simple little barbeque up on St. Hanshaugen right next to my apartment. After talking to a couple of the guys though, I found out that they had already made plans to hang at closeby peninsula Bygdøy. After some hesitance – my lazy ass didn't wanna go that far – I gave in. Niklas picked up Fredrika and me, picked up Max and Viktor, made a quick stop at the very chaotic flatshare that he called his home now and off we went to the beach.

After the first Corona and some future fantasizing with Max near the water, we moved on to the beach volleyball court in a park located right next to the shore (really quite pretty actually). Watched a couple of games, not realizing that we had to put a shoe down besides the net to signalize our will to play – and when we finally did, one after the other of 'our' teams got their asses whooped. We settled on mixed teams in the end, made it more even / more fun. As for me, my game hadn't suffered as much as I would've guessed :D

When it started getting dark, we headed back to the city. Not without some bad ass car surfing by Nikke and Olof first that is! Would've loved to join in but I know for a fact that beer and longboarding don't mix well, at least in my case. Anyways, said goodbye to half of the people and drove on to Simon and Johan's place. Unfortunately Johan was still in Sweden and came back a day later – him by far not being the only one I didn't get a chance to say farewell to btw – but at least I had a chance to meet Simon and Hannah one last time. Cracked open a bottle of champagne, had an improvised hot dog dinner, made a lot of 'yo moma' and nazi jokes, started to watch 'Kill Bill 2', fell asleep and called it a night. Basically a very regular evening with the Swedish and therefore, I think, the best way to leave :)

After the first Corona and some future fantasizing with Max near the water, we moved on to the beach volleyball court in a park located right next to the shore (really quite pretty actually). Watched a couple of games, not realizing that we had to put a shoe down besides the net to signalize our will to play – and when we finally did, one after the other of 'our' teams got their asses whooped. We settled on mixed teams in the end, made it more even / more fun. As for me, my game hadn't suffered as much as I would've guessed :D

When it started getting dark, we headed back to the city. Not without some bad ass car surfing by Nikke and Olof first that is! Would've loved to join in but I know for a fact that beer and longboarding don't mix well, at least in my case. Anyways, said goodbye to half of the people and drove on to Simon and Johan's place. Unfortunately Johan was still in Sweden and came back a day later – him by far not being the only one I didn't get a chance to say farewell to btw – but at least I had a chance to meet Simon and Hannah one last time. Cracked open a bottle of champagne, had an improvised hot dog dinner, made a lot of 'yo moma' and nazi jokes, started to watch 'Kill Bill 2', fell asleep and called it a night. Basically a very regular evening with the Swedish and therefore, I think, the best way to leave :)

ccseabass - 2009-08-11 11:49