Sunday, 26. October 2008

Screwy Night

Wow, that was chaotic. Don't think, I've ever covered so much distance by foot and train on a single night. After the Streets gig had been called off, I had to find a new Saturday night activity. Luckily, my roomies Magnus, Niklas and Frederica were in a drinking mood.

So we started off with getting hammered by playing some Swedish drinking games and then headed to an Oktoberfest-Party (yupp...) at the local student house. After a really long walk and standing in the biggest friggin' cue I've ever been in – at least 500 people – for 15 minutes, the bouncers called it quits and closed the entrance for the night. Ok then, no Bavarian beer tonight.

We then took the train to the center – never seen such a party-crowded metro – and started walking to some private party Niklas knew about. At that point we had already lost Magnus, who was off chasing blond Swedish tail. After walking for another half hour, Niklas got a call and found out that we had been walking in the wrong direction the whole time. So, change of plans again. Went back to the center and met a couple of friends of the two. No clue where we should head, Frederica finally took action and steered us towards a club she had heard about.

After another half hour walk, we arrived at The Villa. Another cue, more waiting, frustration level rising. At 2 o'clock we got in, at last. So we had one hour left to party – remember, everything in Oslo shuts down at 3. But it was worth it! Even though we didn't party all out or anything, it was good to discover the place. It used to be a gay club and that was indeed very obvious: very cave-like with lots of dark corners and small chill-out rooms. There were basically three main areas, electro/house, D'n'B and chillout with the music being good, but not great. Still, a very cool vibe. The place was even voted 94th in the Top 100 clubs worldwide by DJ Magazine (Panorama Bar = 6th, Robert Johnson = 32nd), which ain't bad for a town like Oslo.

Anyways, after enjoying the last one and a half hours at the club, we went to some friends place to drown out the night with some good ol' fashioned chilling. And the trashing of Johan's bed...

villa1 villa2 villa3 villa4 villa5 villa6

P.S. I'll put another "Peeps and Homies" post up soon, so you'll be able to see the people I'm always talking about.
OsOlO (guest) - 2008-10-27 12:55

wir sind so cOOliO.

Bild ganz rechts.
Person ganz rechts (ohne Kopf).
Oder doch nur schwul.
Erzähl mir mehr.

ccseabass - 2008-10-27 17:41

person = mædel, daher wahrschinlich nicht schwul, sondern "modisch". aber so nen style findest du fragwuerdig? ey, du hast ja noch gar nix gesehen...

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