Sunday, 30. March 2008

Dazed & Confused (III)

After a short stop at home to take a shower and rest for a few minutes, I went to Kate's and Rebecca's place for an extreme chilling session including lots of red wine (took me all day today to get rid of the headache), some good ol' sheesha smoking with nice melon flavored tobacco sponsored by Ege and some classic drunk games like 'Who Am I' and 'Chinese Whisper' (Stille Post), the latter being especially funny with the high number of foreigners present.

Also kinda sad as maybe the last night I spent with that many people from my class all at once, as they're now all off to their internships and we – the exchangies – will be joining up with the other half of the class, who is now coming back from theirs. We'll see how that goes. Everyone keeps telling us, that they're the more 'serious' ones and not as fun as the people we've been with now...

Anyways, at two, about the time everyone started falling asleep, I left, dragged my drunk ass back home – luckily not being stopped by any police, I heard they're tough here – and finally got my 12 hours of straight sleep :)

chill1 chill2 chill3 chill4 chill5

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