Sunday, 14. September 2008


You know, I usually don't get very worked about the movies I watch – at least not on this blog. Yes, I 'consume' a lot of them and in the sidebar module I let you see, which ones and what I think of them – admittedly, with a very raw kinda rating. But I usually don't write about them, even if they're extremely good and/or a classic (5 stars in either case ;)).

The last time, I actually did write about a movie was here, about "Lars and the Real Girl". And even then, it wasn't more then two sentences. But yesterday I watched a movie, that I think truly deserves to be getting a bit more attention. It 's called "Keith" and supposedly premiered just yesterday in Las Vegas. But due to the wonders of the world wide web, I already got my hands on it as well. I hadn't heard of it before, let's just say it was just available, and after reading a short summary on IMDB, I decided I'd give it a try.

I'm not gonna go much into detail about plot, actors (mostly unknown anyways) and all that. Just this much: it's a romance with some very funny moments and quite a bit of drama in the end. In a lot of ways it reminded me of Garden State – in my opinion, one of the greatest films ever made – even though they're completely different movies. The atmosphere was amazing, the actors well cast and the soundtrack one of the best in a long time – although his MySpace site doesn't really give it away, almost entirely contributed by Tree Adams.

Like I said, I don't wanna talk too much about it. All I'm saying is that it's one of the most beautiful indie films I have ever seen, and you should give it a try, will it ever make its way to Europe. Even more so, as it's a romance, and I'm definitely not a sucker for that genre.

Then again, the only other film I've ever written about, was one as well. Hmmm...

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