Kobayashi (guest) - 2009-05-14 16:31

Hello from Kobayashi!


I'm really sorry that you had this impression about my presentation... "And third off he was quite full of himself, constantly yapping about the short periods of time he used to produce his stuff, which in big parts were just rip-offs of other designers anyways."

About the technical side I was trying to show my work in the most humble way that I could and I don't think to be a genius or a super human :-)

About the creative side of my tests I said that I don't want to become a creative director, so I just tried to follow the brands' identity when doing my own versions of their commercials.

I can accept that you don't like me or my work, but I'm very surprised you had this feeling about myself.
I'm a very simple guy and I was trying to share my "viral" auto promotional strategy with all the people listening to me.

Anyway thanks for your time!
All the Bests,

ccseabass - 2009-05-14 17:40

hello back :)

look, don't get me wrong – i didn't mean to insult you as a person or your work or anything. and since i tried summing up every presentation in one or two sentences i might have come over as a bit harsh in your case. you as a person were actually quite sympathetic and seemed very likable (and as you put it 'humble'). seeing your virals was cool also, but the things that ticked me off were:
  • you showing 30+ slides each time of all the blogs your virals were posted on (we get it, they were recognized, no need for an endless array of screenshots)
  • your constant mentioning of how you did all of this next to your regular day job, without pay etc. (it's admirable, really – but saying it once would have been enough)
  • that there was so little creative input from your side in the project that you made the main topic of your lecture (the bunnies) – you saw a concept that worked, hopped on the train, altered it a little bit and published it for the purpose of self-promotion. that's a nice way of getting attention, even if there is no creative directing on your behalf, but in my opinion you milked it too much in the presentation. your enel and matrioska movies were so nice - why didn't you just show more of your own stuff, like the sunburn video or even the vfx reel. it sure would've been interesting to hear about your work as a vfx director. sorry, getting ahead of myself - i shouldn't be telling you what to do. just suggestions.
i guess, at the end of your presentation, being annoyed by these very points outweighed the good impression of the rest. sorry for not having taken the time to differentiate a bit more in the post. i actually admire the work of any motion graphics designer (that includes you) because it always seems to involve so much more thought and computer skills than what i need for simple 2D graphics.

hope i could clear things up a bit and sorry again if you felt offended/disrespected in any way. thanks for caring and actually taking the time to respond to this very short entry about you :)

best of luck to you!



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