Last Night's Party
...was a good one. Ok, technically it was the parties of last Friday and Saturday, but this way the title sounds better.
Friday we had a traditional Christmas dinner called Julebord with Bleed at the most posh / fancy restaurant I have ever been in my entire life. Beautiful view over the city, lots of people in suits and evening gowns (me posing as the definition of 'underdressed'), very exquisite food and a wide array of alcoholic beverages all through the feasting. In return we landed at probably the worst club, I have ever been to. Bad interior, worse music and more people in suits and dresses with the false belief they could dance. At least Alex and I had something to gossip about...
Saturday started with another dinner, this time at Johan's place, who prepared some pretty damn good thai food. Cheap wine and vodka got us in the mood for several sing star battles (I lost most of them) before heading out to an inner city bar. This alleged popular gay hang out turned out to be quite a lot of fun. We demolished some furnishing, sang our hearts out to Will Smith songs and had mad SLR cam battles. Plus I was approached by a Swedish/Swiss girl who was really eager to take a picture of my t-shirt – turns out she's the girlfriend of Michi Albin, founder of Albin Snowboards, whose stuff I was wearing then. Passing out to Family Guy at Johan's place and walking home through the shivering cold at 6:30 a.m. made for a pretty interesting night.

Friday we had a traditional Christmas dinner called Julebord with Bleed at the most posh / fancy restaurant I have ever been in my entire life. Beautiful view over the city, lots of people in suits and evening gowns (me posing as the definition of 'underdressed'), very exquisite food and a wide array of alcoholic beverages all through the feasting. In return we landed at probably the worst club, I have ever been to. Bad interior, worse music and more people in suits and dresses with the false belief they could dance. At least Alex and I had something to gossip about...
Saturday started with another dinner, this time at Johan's place, who prepared some pretty damn good thai food. Cheap wine and vodka got us in the mood for several sing star battles (I lost most of them) before heading out to an inner city bar. This alleged popular gay hang out turned out to be quite a lot of fun. We demolished some furnishing, sang our hearts out to Will Smith songs and had mad SLR cam battles. Plus I was approached by a Swedish/Swiss girl who was really eager to take a picture of my t-shirt – turns out she's the girlfriend of Michi Albin, founder of Albin Snowboards, whose stuff I was wearing then. Passing out to Family Guy at Johan's place and walking home through the shivering cold at 6:30 a.m. made for a pretty interesting night.

ccseabass - 2008-12-15 20:09