Scared Shitless
I've been working on a project for the clothing brand WeSC for the longest time now, doing the interior graphics for their new store here in Oslo. Today was the day the people from the company were finally gonna see the results. In other words, my first really big client meeting.
In my opinion, we should've had this presentation a long time ago as it's only three weeks left now til the opening of the shop. The interior architects, who designed the store and who I'm actually working with/for, only told me last week that they hadn't shown anything to WeSC yet! Still don't know why. Maybe because they weren't comfortable with the work up until now, who knows. In either case, this was risky business for them and us. Love it or hate it, take it or leave it. Due to lack of time, actually more of a 'Take it, you don't have choice anyways'.
At 2:30 today, Nikki and Myrna, the architects, came by and we quickly went over the presentation. Ten minutes later the WeSC guys and girls arrived. Damn! Instead of two, like I was told, it was an entourage of four and they were just the ubercool, stylish, good-looking young people with that air of importance, that I expected them to be. I've seldomly been so intimidated in my life.
And they were so friggin' hard to read! They didn't show any emotions! All I got was some laid back nods, hu-hums, ok's and blank faces. Didn't exactly help my self-esteem – actually thought, I totally blew it. Then they started discussing in Norwegian and I was on the verge of losing it. Fuck, fuck, we're screwed! The longest minutes ever.
As it turned out though, I must've gotten it completely backwards. My project manager and Nikki were totally stoked after the meeting, said the WeSC squad was really happy and gave us the ok to continue. The quick chat with one of their girls and a couple of friendly goodbyes took away some more of my concerns. And eventually the fact that Svein overheard them talking very positively about my work in the hallway lifted that last huge load off my shoulders.
Still, those one and a half hours managed to completely drain my energy resources. This is definitely not gonna be my favorite part of the work as a graphic designer...
In my opinion, we should've had this presentation a long time ago as it's only three weeks left now til the opening of the shop. The interior architects, who designed the store and who I'm actually working with/for, only told me last week that they hadn't shown anything to WeSC yet! Still don't know why. Maybe because they weren't comfortable with the work up until now, who knows. In either case, this was risky business for them and us. Love it or hate it, take it or leave it. Due to lack of time, actually more of a 'Take it, you don't have choice anyways'.
At 2:30 today, Nikki and Myrna, the architects, came by and we quickly went over the presentation. Ten minutes later the WeSC guys and girls arrived. Damn! Instead of two, like I was told, it was an entourage of four and they were just the ubercool, stylish, good-looking young people with that air of importance, that I expected them to be. I've seldomly been so intimidated in my life.
And they were so friggin' hard to read! They didn't show any emotions! All I got was some laid back nods, hu-hums, ok's and blank faces. Didn't exactly help my self-esteem – actually thought, I totally blew it. Then they started discussing in Norwegian and I was on the verge of losing it. Fuck, fuck, we're screwed! The longest minutes ever.
As it turned out though, I must've gotten it completely backwards. My project manager and Nikki were totally stoked after the meeting, said the WeSC squad was really happy and gave us the ok to continue. The quick chat with one of their girls and a couple of friendly goodbyes took away some more of my concerns. And eventually the fact that Svein overheard them talking very positively about my work in the hallway lifted that last huge load off my shoulders.
Still, those one and a half hours managed to completely drain my energy resources. This is definitely not gonna be my favorite part of the work as a graphic designer...
ccseabass - 2008-11-11 18:19
gut gemeistert. sonst kann ich es ja das nächste mal für dich machen. gar kein problem solange es eine gute arbeit ist und ich den flug nach oslo bezahlt bekomme. alles gute aus paris !!!