Tuesday, 11. November 2008

Evergreen Me

It's just so beautiful, when music and animation are blended together like in the following two examples. I could look at stuff like this all day.

No.1 – Music by Axelle Renoir, animation by Yoann Lemoine.
No.2 – Music by Chris Chameleon, animation by Shotopop and WIZZ.

lau (guest) - 2008-11-11 18:53

really like No.1!! i had seen it before and have been looking for it ever since! glad to find it here, finally! it's really beautiful

the following video doesn't have much to do, but i still enjoy it a lot. I like the song and the idea is pretty cool, if u ask me... anyway, just sharing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHEIvF1U4PM

ccseabass - 2008-11-11 21:29

hehe, yeah, I know it – one of my profs even showed it to us once :) royksopp makes some amazing stuff. plus, it's so different each time, stylewise.
the finger (guest) - 2008-11-14 16:41

broken shizzle

I dont get it.
Is it an album, just a song, a dream..?
Need an torrentwise explanation.

ccseabass - 2008-11-14 19:56

ummm, what?

no album, two different artists. otherwise just two songs with very nice visuals. do you actually see the videos?
still the finger (guest) - 2008-11-15 10:19

what i meant is:

I was looking for "Ushuaïa", the album. but could not find any torrents. It actually said: "torrent does not exist."
So I felt emotionally evolving and deeply frustrated at the same time and was prepared to be sucked into a warp zone with no escape whatsoever.
ccseabass - 2008-11-15 13:37

you can try here, but be warned, it will cost you the shear outrageous amount of 9,90€!
but may be a worthwhile investment considering the alternative of the ever so present deadly warp zone...

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