Diploma Recap – Eat
I'm gonna start a little series of blog entries depicting and describing essential parts of our daily diploma life over the past five months. Starting off with maybe the most fundamental building block of our creative process: food.
Since we spent an average 10-15 hours working at school each day, it was pretty much inevitable that we also eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner there. As our days usually got off to a relatively slow start, breakfast often didn't consist of more than store bought sandwiches and orange juice / coffee at 12:00 a.m. Logically, lunch was mostly skipped due to time issues and so the next time we'd eat something was typically around 9 or 10 in the evening.
In the beginning we tried to cook as often as possible but near the end of the semester no one had the time or nerves to do so. So we ordered. Almost every fuckin' night. The pictures might suggest we had Dong Dong asian food each time, but no sireee, don't get the wrong picture! We tried hard to vary our nutrition as it is generally recommended, yes. So half the time we had pizza or schnitzel from these guys...

Since we spent an average 10-15 hours working at school each day, it was pretty much inevitable that we also eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner there. As our days usually got off to a relatively slow start, breakfast often didn't consist of more than store bought sandwiches and orange juice / coffee at 12:00 a.m. Logically, lunch was mostly skipped due to time issues and so the next time we'd eat something was typically around 9 or 10 in the evening.
In the beginning we tried to cook as often as possible but near the end of the semester no one had the time or nerves to do so. So we ordered. Almost every fuckin' night. The pictures might suggest we had Dong Dong asian food each time, but no sireee, don't get the wrong picture! We tried hard to vary our nutrition as it is generally recommended, yes. So half the time we had pizza or schnitzel from these guys...

ccseabass - 2010-03-06 13:39