The Russ is what Norwegian high school students are called, who are about to graduate. We already saw a couple of them dressed in red or blue overalls – similar to our 'ABI-shirts' in Germany, but waaaay cooler – in Bergen, now Oslo is crawling with them as well. These kids get to party for three weeks straight, with lots of drinking, listening to terrible music and playing all sorts of traditional games. I'm too lazy to explain it all, so just read the Wikipedia article for more in-depth information. I just wanted to state the fact that I would have loved to have something like this back when I graduated 'cause it sure looks like a whole lot of fun.
There's one catch though: all this goes down before their final exams. Kinda stupid in my opinion.

There's one catch though: all this goes down before their final exams. Kinda stupid in my opinion.

ccseabass - 2009-05-02 19:23