That's what I didn't have a lot of this past week. And that's eventually also the reason for my scarce blogging the past days. So here's a quick update:
It took me most of Sunday to get rid of my headache from the new contact lenses. In the afternoon I managed to make a two hour trip to another big park here in Den Haag called Haagse Parken. Again it was more of a forest than a park – lots pf trees and bushes, almost no grass or free areas. The cool thing though: the whole thing isn't flat like the rest of the area here, in fact it's made up of lots of small hills and banks. And the second, even better thing: besides the big pedestrian walkways there are hundreds of small trails and dirt tracks cutting right through the woods. It's perfect for riding a dirt bike through it! Of course there aren't any big drops or steep ramps but it's still fun to speed through the brush.
Well, and the rest of the week was basically spent on working on school projects. Monday and Tuesday for the big 'Demonstration Manual', Wednesday for Type Design, Thursday for Calligraphy. All went well, I'm getting a lot of good feedback from my teachers (remember, it's all teachers on the same project now) who seem to like my ideas and I actually really enjoy working on it. The talk with
Michel Hoogevorst was very productive, the one with Gert Dumbar quite entertaining – the school group meeting with him was accompanied by the consumption of three bottles of wine and several more beers, Prof. Dumbar probably drank the most... Afterwards a couple of the students went to city and brought the evening to an end in two nice bars –
The Fiddler and
Silly's. The Type Design class last week was canceled, so no feedback on my
font experiments. Friday was kinda unfruitful – although Frank Blokland is really nice to me, I think when it comes to Calligraphy he still regards me as worthless scum. Oh well. Below are some examples of my 'progress'. At least I had that amazingly cool night out afterwards ;)