Life's A Circus And You're The Clown
My good friend Tobi from back home and his second band project, the Reggae / Ska combo Yambalaya have released their first album (title above)! And even though I despise the cover artwork I still demand that all of you buy it. Now. Here's a short piece of footage of their 'work' from the Sunhill Reggae Night.
By the way, if you wanna seem them live: those bastards will be playing at Chiemsee Reggae along the likes of Shaggy, Deichkind, Patrice, Clueso, Shantel and many more. Damn you.

By the way, if you wanna seem them live: those bastards will be playing at Chiemsee Reggae along the likes of Shaggy, Deichkind, Patrice, Clueso, Shantel and many more. Damn you.

ccseabass - 2008-04-06 19:45
Malte - 2008-04-08 19:25
Not my favorit music, but sounds interesting and special.
Monchichi 1 (guest) - 2008-04-15 21:18
Prädikat MEGA :-)
also ich war auf der CD Release Party und die war GEILO :-D Stimmung blendend & Mukke delüxx... da haben die was richtig feines aufgezaubert die Herren Yambalaya! CD dreht sich in meinem CD Player...freu mich scho auf die nächste Liveääktschion
ccseabass - 2008-04-17 22:49
oh mann
bin immernoch am kotzen, dass ich nich da war. eigentlich war echt geplant in der woche in e-town zu sein – aber die uni hier hat mir nen strich durch die rechnung gemacht... :P